Building staff cope with flood of deliveries COVID-19 adds fuel to an already challenging issue

Businesses that provide support and maintenance to buildings figure into the Ontario government’s list of essential services as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds.

Condo managers and concierges are among those on the list. They stand on the front lines for a number of services, including the management of essential online parcel delivery—an already challenging issue, which has become more exasperating during the past month.

Not only does the increase in packages, and restaurant take-out for that matter, place more demand on condo corporations without adequate space, it also raises the issue of health and safety of staff coming into regular contact with residents as well as the packages often handled by multiple third parties.

Package deliveries have increased. Besides the recent news that Amazon will be hiring 1000 warehouse and delivery workers to handle the demand in Canada (and more than 100,000 workers in the U.S.), Patrick Armstrong, CEO of automated parcel lockers company Snaile, says its Canadian carrier partners report parcel volumes were up as high as 30 per cent the week before last. He expects that people practicing social distancing in their homes will be forced to purchase more online, including people who have never adopted e-commerce shopping. These online habits, he figures, will continue on “during post-corona existence.”

As for the packaging itself, the facts are still being processed regarding how long coronavirus can live on packaging materials like cardboard. Dr. Syed Sattar, professor emeritus of microbiology in the faculty of medicine at the University of Ottawa, is one of Canada’s primary experts in environmental and medical microbiology as it pertains to public health. Based on many years of research he says, generally speaking, disease-causing bacteria and viruses do not stay alive on porous materials like cardboard and craft paper as long as they do on non-porous surfaces, such as plastics, metal and glass. Continue Reading to source for more details.

Address Details:

Snaile Inc

The Hub Building, 14-1 Crescent Road, Huntsville, ON, P1H 1Z6

Business Email :

Business Phone Number : 1-800-750-6538 ext 214


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