The Role of Smart Lockers in Boosting Employee Productivity
There is not a single aspect of our lives that hasn’t been affected to some extent by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Both our personal and professional lives, as well as our businesses, have been impacted by the restrictions in place to increase public safety. When it comes to employee safety, the pandemic has added an additional layer for consideration when it comes to creating a safe work environment. As many businesses have discovered, one way to effectively achieve this is by installing smart lockers for office use. Unlike at home, where we’re not in any contact with strangers, or outdoors where we control how close we get to others, the workplace is where a lot of people spend hours a day in the same enclosed space. So, in addition to workstation separation, indoor air-quality control, and other measures, having a contactless outdoor parcel locker can help to ensure the safe exchange of goods, thereby increasing everyone’s personal safety. The office workday involves a...