Stopping the Apartment Lobby Package Pileup

Apartment lobbies are designed to be open, welcoming spaces. A well-designed lobby should give visitors an attractive first impression of the building, and provide tenants with a safe and secure entrance. Unfortunately, apartment lobbies have lately become an impromptu storage space for package deliveries, and this problem is compounding with the ever-increasing number of parcel deliveries. A digital locker service is the solution apartment managers need to manage lobbies being dangerously overloaded with incoming parcels. It is not unusual for larger buildings to receive upwards of 100 package deliveries every day. During the holiday season and lockdown periods, numbers can climb even higher and property managers have to find the time and people to manage these deliveries on top of their regular maintenance duties. With solutions such as contactless smart lockers in Burnaby , Snaile is solving the problem for condos and apartment buildings right across Canada. Continue reading to sour...