Digital Parcel Lockers: Savvy Tech for Smarter Cities

The fabric of urban planning is changing. The focus is no longer solely on basic infrastructure such as roadways, utilities, or even living spaces. Today’s “smart cities” use digital technology to conserve energy, while creating an environment of utmost convenience, reliability, and security. Sensors, data, and anaytics lead the way in planning everything from water, power, and telecommunications, to day-to-day necessities such as parking facilities, greenspace, and a centrally located digital locker service that is easily accessible to all residents. The “Internet of Things,” or IoT, has been called a “world where everything is connected.” Like something out of a sci-fi thriller, the IoT is a universe where machines talk to machines and technology dictates every aspect of our lives. As more and more “smart cities” are developed we’re seeing that this notion isn’t too far off and in many cases, it is well underway. Continue Reading to source for more information. Address Details: Sna...