Why Parcel Lockers Are a Smart Investment for Your Business

Every business owner and corporate leader knows that online buying and selling has changed the face of Canadian trade, but, are you aware of just how significant these trends have become? It is estimated that by the end of 2019, e-commerce retail trade sales amounted to almost 1.85 billion Canadian dollars, with more than 28 million Canadians consumers buying online. And that was Before the coronavirus pandemic pushed the numbers to astronomical levels. Smart businesses are embracing online commerce with outdoor parcel locker installations for the benefit of customers and employees. Electronic storage lockers provide seamless delivery of packages to your business, as well as a safe and easy way for customers to pick up their online purchases. But, there is much more to waterproof outdoor lockers than simple convenience. Read on to learn why electronic lockers are a smart investment for your business: Streamlined and Cost-Efficient Deliveries A business that is equip...