No-contact Lockers For Schools Keeping Students Safe

The world has changed. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, everything we do will be different – how we work, how we socialize, the way we shop and, most importantly, how we protect the people we love and the things we own. Schools are in no way immune to these changes, and administrators must consider ways to provide safe and secure storage solutions for students and staff as we all learn to navigate this new way of life. To meet this need, all types of schools – colleges, universities, and even daycare facilities – are now installing electronic school locker storage solutions . Single Use Safety One of the most significant benefits of using smart lockers for schools, is that they can be effectively monitored for usage and restricted if necessary. Electronic lockers are only accessible by one person at a time, using a unique PIN code. There are no keys to pass around, and no reason for any other students or faculty to touch the locker surface. Smart locker storage so...